Introducing the Pure Green Podcast!
The newcomer to the group of PGM content platforms, the show is a weekly conversation with people that inspire us, and live their lives in sync with the values we hold at Pure Green. Thanks for listening!
PGM 35 | Zero Waste Living with Bea Johnson
Jan 08 2016
I'm really excited about this episode for a bunch of reasons. First, this guest has been requested several times by our listeners, and second, this is an episode that I feel could make a big impact, and thus, a big difference. Our guest today has been called the Waste-Free Priestess by the New York Times, she has won green awards, has authored a book, and promotes and speaks about her lifestyle around the world. She is responsible for a global movement that has been called the way of the future, inspiring change nearly everywhere she goes. Her...
PG 34 | Beth Kirby of Local Milk
Oct 01 2015
I have an exciting interview today with a guest I know you will all love to hear from. She is a tastemaker, stylist, photographer, blogger and advocate for slow living; her name is Beth Kirby, she's the authoress of Local Milk, a blog so many love and admire, and it's likely you also follow her swoon-worthy Instagram. I'm very pleased to be able to offer a conversation with the inspiring woman behind it all. In our interview, Beth speaks openly about her life's trials and triumphs, how she developed her talent and established her voice, and...
PGM 33 | Sasha Swerdloff of Tending the Table
Sep 18 2015
One of the things I love best about the Pure Green podcast is that so often if just feels like a conversation between friends. This episode is no exception. I'm talking with Sasha Swerdloff, whose kind, calm demeanor invites you to settle in from the moment you start listening. Sasha is a blogger, writer, cook, recipe developer and yogi, and she pens a beautiful, heart-felt blog called Tending the Table. It's a regular favourite of mine, and I cook from her recipes regularly (especially her to-die-for avocado chocolate pudding, it's a staple...
PGM 32 | Sherrie Castellano on Gluten Intolerance & Changing Your Life with Nutrition
Sep 04 2015
For ages on instagram we've followed and admired today's guest - her healthful recipes and photographic style focuses on the ingredients in a fabulous way that helps to emphasize how important it is to cook with in season ingredients. We asked her to be a summer community leader for the Pure Green In Season cookbook project and were thrilled when she agreed; in case you haven't guessed, today's guest is Sherrie Castellano of the blog With Food and Love, which is a gorgeous place to spend time, allowing yourself to get steeped in seasonal...
PGM 31 | Gossamer Dreams, Food, Yoga & Living Joyfully with Renee Byrd
Aug 28 2015
One of the things I love best about Pure Green is the larger community of creative people that we are a part of, and a shining star in that community is today's guest, Renee of the blog Will Frolic for Food. Renee is known for her beautiful, inspired writing, her excellent photography and styling, but what I love best about her blog is that it's joyful. Everything Renee writes about and creates feels decadent, like you're treating yourself, despite the fact that her recipes focus on super healthy, plant-based food. It's never about depriving...
PGM 30 | The Organic Kitchen with Jonathan MacKay
Jul 23 2015
In our home, life revolves around the kitchen. While I grew up in a home that valued good homemade food and my mom was a great cook, I really have Jonathan to thank for my adult enjoyment and love of food. Under his tutelage I've learned the basics, from how to properly hold a chef's knife, how to fry perfect sunny-side-up eggs, and that more is always better! But Jonathan has something that I could never have: the instincts that truly great chefs and cooks have that allow them to taste a symphony of flavours before they've even made the first...
PGM 29 | Home is Where You Park It with Branden Peak
Jul 03 2015
The idea of lifestyle design, this concept of being able to create the life of your dreams and be successful doing it, feels something like a modern fairy tale. It just doesn’t feel possible. But here’s the thing. In this day and age, with so many people finding ways to create a business online or, if employed, work from home, there is actually less stopping you from creating the freedom you crave then you might think. Today I’m excited to introduce Branden Peak, who has done just this – he designed the life of his...
PGM 28 | Detox Your Cleaning with Authors of Homemade Cleaners
Jun 25 2015
In this episode we're digging into practical and actionable ideas. One of the things we all have to do is clean our homes. I love a clean, organized home, but actually cleaning is kind of the pits, especially if you're using toxic cleaning products. We touch all the surfaces in our home, and whatever chemicals we use to get that squeaky clean shine ends up on our skin and in our bodies. What's the big deal, you may ask? Well, many cleaners contain chemicals that can really mess you up - endocrine disruptors, carcinogens, neurotoxins - the list...
PGM 27 | Finding Balance in a Wired World with Christina Crook
Jun 18 2015
Part of the Pure Green lifestyle is slowing down, but a lot of us, me included, are finding that increasingly difficult to do with the constant availability of being online, and our compulsion to give into the temptation. The hard truth, however, is that while we cannot deny that the internet is an incredible and invaluable thing, it’s also having a lasting and serious impact on our relationships, our wellbeing, and on our kids. It’s a brave new world out there, and it’s up to us to conclude how much we participate in it,...
PGM 26 | Deconstructing Coconut Oil with Matt Geddie of Skinny & Co.
May 28 2015
I use coconut oil for everything, in my cooking, on my body, as a supplement, and the other day as I was looking at the jar in my cupboard, reading words like "cold pressed", "organic" and "raw", I had an inkling there might be more to the story, and it turns out I was right. Serendipitously, I discovered Skinny & Co. Coconut oil right around that time and I'm so pleased to have co-founder and president of the company Matt Geddie on today. In the episode we talk about the misconception surrounding healthy fats, and why coconut oil is so great,...
PGM 25 | Wildcrafting: The True Local Flavor with Laura Gilmore
May 22 2015
If you’ve ever been interested in learning more about harvesting wild, native plants, either to eat or to make simple remedies, you’re going to love this episode. I had the opportunity to sit down with Laura Gilmore, a teacher, wildcrafter and herbalist whose knowledge about ecology, plants and their uses is incredibly vast. Wildcrafting is the act of going out into the natural world, be it your backyard or nearby forests or fields and harvesting wild plants for medicine or eating. While this is something that our ancestors would...
PGM 24 | The Evolution of a Cook: Tara O'Brady of Seven Spoons
May 14 2015
This week, I'm talking with the smart, super talented voice behind the popular food blog, and now book of the same name, Tara O'Brady of Seven Spoons. This conversation was a real treat, and I hugely enjoyed the hour we spent together. Tara writes her blog and her book with a personable voice; she comes across as both authority and friend. Her goal with her book, as she writes, was to provide you a seat at her own table, and be the friend you are talking to as you prepare a meal. She accomplished that and more, and her book has been released...