Fun | Pick & Pack

TEXT by Celine MacKay | PHOTOGRAPHS by I'm delighted to share with you a fun collaboration with Anthropologie - this 'Pick and Pack' poster are mine and Jonathan's summer farmer's market essentials, along with why we love them so. Those wonderful weekly market mornings are just beginning for a new season. Slowly browsing the stalls, drinking in the smells... I can't wait to pick up a few of the above!

A Collaboration with Anthropologie


I'm delighted to share with you a fun collaboration with Anthropologie - this 'Pick and Pack' poster are mine and Jonathan's summer farmer's market essentials, along with why we love them so. Those wonderful weekly market mornings are just beginning for a new season. Slowly browsing the stalls, drinking in the smells... I can't wait to pick up a few of the above!

The poster was featured by Anthropologie in their special monthly Anthro email correspondance for members, along with a summer quiche recipe created by Jonathan. You can sign up to receive them here.


